Privacy Policy

BB Cloud Phone (“BB Cloud Phone”), is committed to building a trusted relationship with all of our users (“You”, “Your” or “Yourself”). This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) covers how we treat Your personal information. To enable Your BB Cloud Phone CloudPhone service (“Service”), we collect and receive some of Your personal information when You register for and use the Service, which includes the use of the BB Cloud Phone website (“Website”), BB Cloud Phone apps (“Apps”), BB Cloud Phone network (“Network”) and BB Cloud Phone CloudPhone software (“Software”). Your use of the Service, including the Website, Apps, Network and Software, remains subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Service.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to the practices of companies that BB Cloud Phone does not own or control, or to individuals whom BB Cloud Phone does not employ or manage, including any authorized third party to which BB Cloud Phone may disclose user information as set forth in this Privacy Policy.

If You don’t agree to our practices, please do not use the Service.

1. Collection of Personal Information

a. Information about You, such as Your name, mobile phone number, email address, and any additional information that You provide as part of the registration process

b. Billing information, such as Your credit/debit card and banking information

c. Order information, such as when and what products, features or services You purchased and/or we delivered

d. Mobile device information, such as Your mobile device manufacturer, brand and operating system version, Internet connection, device capability, bandwidth, and any additional information that will assist BB Cloud Phone in analyzing the performance of the Software and/or App on Your device

e. Usage information, such as Your interaction with the Network, Software, Website or App

f. Correspondence between You and BB Cloud Phone

j. Survey results

2. Automatic Tracking of Website Usage

When visiting the Website, we may track certain non-personally identifiable information about You and Your interaction with our website in order to(a) remember information so that You don’t need to re-enter it during Your visit, (b) provide customer or personalized content and information, (c) monitor individual and aggregate metrics such as the total number of visitors, pages viewed, etc., (d) perform internal research on our users’ demographics, interests and behavior, (e) track Your entries, submissions and views, and (f) to monitor and enforce the Terms of Service agreement. This information may include:

a. Log File information, such as Your web request, Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser type, browser language, date and time of Your web requests, pages viewed, order and amount of time spent on each page, number of clicks, domain names, landing pages, the URL or web page that referred You to our website, the next URL or web page You may visit, and any traffic to and from the Website.

b. Cookies information, if we send one or more persistent or session cookies (which are small text files containing a string of alphanumeric characters to uniquely identify Your computer browser) while You are visiting the Website. Your browser may use persistent cookies on subsequent visits to the Website. Persistent cookies can be removed by following Your web browser help file directions. A session cookie is temporary and disappears after You close Your browser. You can reset Your web browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, the Website may not function properly if the ability to accept cookies is disabled.

Please note that any voluntarily transmitted status submissions, business information, personal information or other content posted at the direction and/or discretion of other users of the Service becomes published content and is not considered Your personally identifiable information subject to this Privacy Policy.

3. How Your Personal Information Is Used

BB Cloud Phone wants every user to have the best experience possible when using the Service. Thus, BB Cloud Phone itself and its third party service providers collect and use Your personal data to:

a. Verify Your identity

b. Provide products, functionality, features and services related to BB Cloud Phone CloudPhone

c. Handle orders via the Software, App and/or Website

d. Provide other services to You

e. Inform You of Software, Website, App and Service changes

f. Provide You with customer support to troubleshoot problems

g. Inform You of issues or problems

h. Request feedback

i. Improve the quality and design of the Network, Software, Website and Apps

j. Create new features, functionality and services by storing, tracking and analyzing user preferences and trends

k. Resolve disputes

l. Organize and carry out marketing and promotional operations, offer, contests, games and similar events

m. Protect Your and our interests, including in particular the enforcement of our Terms of Service.

4. Modifications

BB Cloud Phone reserves the right to modify the provisions of this Privacy Policy. Changes or updates of the Privacy Policy will be posted as deemed necessary and will become effective immediately. Please revisit this webpage to stay aware of any changes. Continuing to use the Software means that You accept the modified Privacy Policy and its contents.

5. Personal Information Kept by BB Cloud Phone

BB Cloud Phone may retain Your information and communication content, for as long as is necessary to comply with all of the provisions set forth in this Privacy Policy or as required by the state and federal laws within the China or international law.

6. Disclosure of Your Personal Information

Like You, BB Cloud Phone does not like unsolicited advertising (spam). Thus, BB Cloud Phone is ad-free, and we hope to keep it that way. We have no intention to subject You to advertising, but if for some unforeseen reason we do, we will let You know and update this section.

Except as provided below, BB Cloud Phone shall not sell, rent, or otherwise share any business or personal information and/or traffic data or communications content to any third party without Your explicit permission, unless it is necessary to comply with the law. This includes not using Your mobile phone number or other personal information to send You advertising or marketing messages without Your consent or except as part of a specific program or feature for which You will have the ability to opt-in or opt-out.

BB Cloud Phone reserves the right to disclose business and personal information to respond to legal requests or to enforce or protect BB Cloud Phone and it partners’ rights. This includes disclosing information and/or non-personally identifiable information that BB Cloud Phone beliefs, in good faith, is appropriate or necessary to enforce our Terms of Service, take precautions against liability, to investigate and defend itself against a third party claim or allegation, to assist government enforcement agencies, to protect the security or integrity of the Apps, Software, Website and/or its Network, and to protect the rights, property, or personal safety of BB Cloud Phone, our users or others.

Some BB Cloud Phone products may be white-labeled or co-branded and offered together with or via a partner company. Thus, BB Cloud Phone may sometimes share Your personal and traffic data with BB Cloud Phone partner companies. BB Cloud Phone will always require these third parties to take appropriate administrative and technical steps to comply with all necessary laws and protect Your personal information and traffic data with same degree of care and security as they would treat their own most confidential information.

By using BB Cloud Phone, You consent to both BB Cloud Phone and the partner company’s use of personal information collected in connection with the white-labeled or co-branded product.

BB Cloud Phone may provide any data including personal information to any law or government entity legally requesting such information via a subpoena, court order, search warrant, or equivalent, or where in our reasonable belief, an individual’s physical safety may be at risk or threatened. BB Cloud Phone will provide all reasonable assistance and information to fulfill such requests and Your consent to such disclosure, as applicable.

Your information may be stored and processed in any country in which BB Cloud Phone and its partners maintain facilities or offer the Service. BB Cloud Phone reserves the right to transfer information globally. By using BB Cloud Phone products and this Service, You consent to any such transfer of information.

7. Reporting Violations

You should report any security violations to us via email or mail.

8. Reaching Out to You

BB Cloud Phone continues to improve its quality and user experience. It does so in part by seeking information from its users. Any request for information is optional.

BB Cloud Phone or its partners may send You information about problems with the Software. BB Cloud Phone or its partners may contact You by email, SMS or chat to inform You about violations or claims involving You or third parties, products and services, and if someone tried to contact You. Unless You ask us not to, we may contact You via email or the Apps in the future to tell You about new products or services, specials, promotions, or changes to this Privacy Policy.

9. Website and Third Party Applications

BB Cloud Phone websites may contain links that will let You leave the Website and access other websites. Linked websites are not under the control of BB and it is possible that these websites have a different privacy policy. The BB Cloud Phone Privacy Policy applies solely to business and personal information that is acquired on the Website or through Your use of the Website, Software, Apps and/or Your relationship with BB. BB accepts no responsibility or liability for these other websites.

If You use any extras, plugins or third party applications together with the Software, the provider of such items may obtain access to certain personal information about You. BB does not and cannot control how such third party providers may use any personal information collected in connection with such items.

10.Protecting Your Personal Information.

BB Cloud Phone actively reviews our policies and security to ensure we take all necessary steps to protect Your information.

1. Dedicated Security team: BB Cloud Phone maintains an interdisciplinary team of employees that manages security. We receive only encrypted data from data processors and data we send to our vendors is encrypted.

2. Security Strategy: Our internal security strategy consists of company wide best practices training (all employees must take an 8 hour basic training course). The course is provided by an accredited service with an extensive library of classes focused on end user security best practices. Additionally, engineering and operations teams are both subject to team code reviews and security audits to ensure any software that interacts with your data is secure of defects and exploits. The Operations team performs quarterly audits of our network security by way of penetration tests and other aggressive measures.

3. Customer data protection policy: Customer data is accessible only by employees, consultants or partners of the company. Customer data is not shared with 3rd parties, unless under rule of law. Internal access to customer data is strictly controlled via access control policies to ensure that only data required to support our products is available. All products do not collect customer data for any purpose other than delivering the service that our customers have contracted us to provide.

11.Our Commitment To Data Security

BB Cloud Phone uses commercially reasonable physical, managerial, and technical safeguards to preserve the integrity and security of Your personal information. We cannot, however, ensure or warrant the security of any information You transmit via BB Cloud Phone and You do so at Your own risk. Using unsecured Wi-Fi or other unprotected networks to send messages through the Service is never recommended. Once BB Cloud Phone receives Your transmission of information, BB Cloud Phone makes commercially reasonable efforts to ensure the privacy and security of the information within our systems. However, please note that this is not a guarantee that such information may not be accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed by breach of any of our physical, technical, or managerial safeguards. If BB Cloud Phone learns of a security systems breach, then we may attempt to notify You electronically so that You can take appropriate protective steps. BB Cloud Phone may post a notice on the Website, via the App or through the Service if a security breach occurs.

12.Our Commitment To Children’s Privacy

Protecting the privacy of young children is especially important. For that reason, BB Cloud Phone does not knowingly collect or maintain Personally Identifiable Information or non-personally-identifiable information on the Software, Website, App or Network from persons under 18 years of age, and no part of the Service is directed to or intended to be used by persons under 18. If You are under 18 years of age, then please do not access the Website, download the Apps or use the Service at any time or in any manner. If BB Cloud Phone learns that Personally Identifiable Information of persons under 18 years of age has been collected on the Software, Website or Service, then BB Cloud Phone may deactivate the account and/or make the status submissions inaccessible.

13.Special Note to International Users

Please be advised that through Your continued use of the Software, Website, App or Service, this Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service, You consent to having Your personal information stored, transferred to and processed in other countries and to be governed by its laws.

14.Contacting BB Cloud Phone

If You have any questions, comments or concerns about the BB Cloud Phone Privacy Policy, its implementation, Your opt-in or opt-out choices, Your consent, or You need to report a security violation, You can send an email to

15.Delete Account

If you wish to delete your account and personal information from our app, please contact our customer service team via email. We will process your request within 3 to 15 working days and delete your account and all related personal information and data in accordance with applicable laws and privacy policy requirements.

Please send an email to:

In the email, please provide the following information so that we can confirm your identity and process your request:

Your registered account, username, or user ID;

The email address associated with your account;

Any additional information you deem necessary (optional);

Our customer service team will process your request within 3 to 15 working days and contact you via email to confirm the deletion of your account. Please note that once your account is deleted, you will not be able to recover any data or information stored within it.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.